Dermaplaning & Microneedling FAQ

Microneedling FAQ

How quickly will I see results?

Each micro needling session is spaced 6 to 8 weeks apart. This
is to ensure maximum collagen induction. For this reason, micro needling is not a “quick fix”.
While you will certainly see a noticeable glow and improvement in hydration immediately, the full
affect and accumulative result of your three sessions will not be apparent for about two months
after your last treatment. Our clients have been extremely happy with their results!

I use a home-roller for Microneedling. Isn’t this the same thing?

It is definitely not the same
thing. These home rollers are not safe and can cause infection. Because they are often made
overseas the tiny needles have been known to dislodge from the tool itself and become
embedded in the skin. Home rollers are a known source of bacteria and cross-contamination,
not to mention they are too aggressive for your skin!

How do I determine if I am a candidate for Microneedling?

We have a whole series of questions for anyone interested in this amazing treatment. Please call the spa, or email us for more

Dermaplaning FAQ

Will my peach fuzz comes back thicker and/or darker?

Absolutely not. The only thing that can
change the structure of your hair is your DNA.

Is there any downtime? How should I treat my skin afterwards?

While some people may
experience a slight redness after treatment, there is no downtime for this procedure. In fact,
your products will work much harder for you now. They will drink into the skin much better!

How is dermaplaning different from microdermabrasion or chemical peels?

Because we use a scalpel to remove your dead skin cells and vellus hair, there is no need for any other tools or
products to exfoliate. This is a much gentler and safer treatment than either micro dermabrasion
or chemical peels because it is suitable for all skin types.

Who is not a candidate for derma planing?

If you are currently using a retinol, please inform us when booking.

Likewise, if you have a bleeding disorder, are on blood thinners, or have active pustular acne, you are not a candidate at this time.

Contact us to book an appointment!

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