In honour of St. Paddy’s Day, it’s Ginger Appreciation here at Namaste Day Spa and we would like to celebrate redheads (affectionately referred to as gingers) and their precious sensitive skin! Of course anyone with sensitive skin can relate to this article, so no matter what your hair colour is, if you have fair or sensitive skin please read on.
According to researchers at the University of Edinburgh, red hair is linked to the presence of the melanocortin 1 receptor. This gene controls your melanin, the coloring agent for skin and hair. Many of Celtic descent are more likely to have pale, sensitive skin due to the presence of this gene (you can read the very technical research here if you’re interested). Sensitive skin occurs because your skin is actually thinner than other people’s, placing your nerves and blood vessels closer to the outermost layer of skin. This is why everything from weather to temperature to cosmetics can cause irritation and redness for those with sensitive skin.
Redheads are usually quite sensitive to the sun, scent, and skin care products. They often find it very difficult to find cosmetics and skin care that won’t irritate them. Luckily, Eminence is to the rescue! We have several products geared specifically toward sensitive skin types and feature ingredients like chamomile, arnica, rosemary, and calendula to revitalize, soothe and balance the appearance of skin. Some of our favorites include:
Redheads often have fair skin, a trait known to increase skin cancer risk. In fact, the Skin Care Foundation recommends those with a pale skin type should wear a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 to reduce the risk of sun burn and skin cancer. A lot of gingers are allergic to conventional sunblocks, even organic ones. We recommend Eminence SPF minerals because they are light, protect well, and don’t clog pores.
Now, most gingers I know are self-conscious about their freckles. Let’s be clear, your freckles are gorgeous! They make you unique, so rather than try to hide them, let’s embrace them and love them for their perfect imperfectness! I found this little quote from Chrissie Pinney which I think sums it up well:
As far as freckles go, I just want to differentiate between cute, sun kissed spots, and actual hyper pigmentation that is caused by hormones, pregnancy, using Retinols and taking some medications. Hyper pigmentation is the darkening of areas of the skin caused by an excess production of melanin. It is often referred to as “age-spots”, “sun-spots”, or even “liver-spots”. Our bright skin line is best for this type of pigmentation, it contains Natural Hydroquinone Alternative: a natural brightening agent made with African potato and tara tree for a smooth, radiant complexion.
If you are sensitive, but also want to treat uneven skin tone due to hyper pigmentation you can use the Eminence Stone Crop line. These products are formulated with oil-free extracts from the stone crop plant to wash away impurities without drying out the skin. Ideal for those with even the most sensitive skin, these products help even skin tone and minimize the appearance of blemishes to impart a healthy-looking complexion.
I hope this gets you on the right track to finding skin care for you sensitive red heads out there, or anyone who has struggled with finding a solution for their sensitive skin. I also came across this cute book in my research: “The REDHEAD HANDBOOK: A fun and comprehensive guide to red hair and more” by Cort Cass, this book highlights embracing your ginger-ness and what makes red heads so special, I think it’s worth a read!
Finally, this wouldn’t be a celebration without a special promotion!
Redheads: For the month of March and April, book in for a classic or spa facial, and receive 20% off your skin care purchase!
(*Valid for the month of March and April only. For Redheads only. No existing gift certificates can be used for this special. No rain checks. Skincare must be purchase at time of appointment.)